Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Parental controls

We have always thought that A had been raised (until she was three) in a very permissive environment in that she was treated as an equal to the adults. In fact, her bio mom called A "Mommy" as a cute nickname and would follow her orders at times, even allowing A to beat her. Even without a degree in psychology most of us can surmise that this is not a healthy relationship. These days A struggles with control and with authority and often tries to play the part of the parent by using our words directed towards us. And she is constantly in need of assurances that she is safe and secure. How safe could a 3 (4, 5, 6,) year old feel if they were completely in charge?

Our culture, our society, preaches this same message to all of us. Be your own boss, control your own destiny ; obtain enough stuff or buy the right body wash and you can be happy and have all you desire. "If it makes you happy..." How safe and secure can we feel if we think we are completely in charge? Sure, we can go for long periods of time believing that and acting that way. But even if we get all that we desire, it isn't necessarily all we need. (Side note, a pet peeve of mine is when I'm in line at a fast food place and the person in front of me places their order with the words "I need a big mac, fries, quarter pounder, ..." Nobody NEEDS those things - these are WANTS...)

In the end though our culture fails us, it doesn't give us safety and security, and we need to know that our Father is looking out for us, loving us unconditionally and providing what we need.

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About Me

I refer to myself this way because I am a parent who has adopted children AND I am an adopted child of God. Maybe not the most clever, but it works for now.